28 September 2010

Welcome to Custom Angler Part !

Welcome to our custom shop! This is the place where you can pick items with which to customize your fishing gears. Our product is high performance and highly tested by serious anglers. Built from aluminum which is light & strong. Double treatment and coated to prevent from saltwater corroded. Custom shop items can be ordered as after market parts or with your new reel at your local tackle shop. This is your chance to own a reel that is personalized to your liking and perfectly adapted to your fishing style and destination. 

Pimp Your Fishing Reel Now !

List of our custom angler product:

T-bar knob & handle
Saltiga GT 6000
Shimano Tiagra
Some of our T-Bar knob design
 Round knob & handle
Shimano Twinpower C3000
Shimano Sahara
Daiwa Saltiga Game 3500
Interchangeable 3-1 knob

Many more from our product will be posting. Check it out !


  1. Hi , can I buy saltiga game 3500 handle?(old version,blue body) thank you for reply
